Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Global Warming Threatens Biodiversity In Australia's Wet Tropics

The findings of Dr. Stephen Williams shows that wildlife populations in Australia's Wet Tropics will vulnerable to the local warming trend. Dr. Williams said that climate changes in Wet Tropics will likely result in species ranges shifting up mountains, to maintain their habitat needs. But most of these animals are restricted to mountain ranges. There is not enough room for those animals to live. Only some animals will be able to adapt to those cool climates. Lee Hannah, a co-author of the study and senior fellow for climate change at Conservation International, says "The hotspots studied in this paper are essentially refugee camps for many of our planet's most unique plant and animal species. If those areas are no longer habitable due to global warming then we will quite literally be destroying the last sanctuaries many of these species have left." So we really have to stop this trend of global warming before we lose precious habitats of animals and habitats.

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